Farm Tour Major Success!
Monday, May 2, 2022
Hello friends,
More rain. It seems like it almost dries out and then we get more rain. We finally got the garden tilled, and I planted two raised beds intensively. That means I have several rows of lettuce that will be transplanted in a triangular spacing for maximum soil space usage. Check out Jevon’s book on How to Grow More Vegetables in Less Space, or something like that, for the details. Even though we have 80 acres, I still garden intensively. The planting has stopped until it dries out a bit, even though the calendar says the last frost date has come and gone and I could literally plant the rest of the garden. We ate the first delicious meal with garden asparagus tonight. Yum!
The Farm Tour was a major success. We were SO busy; cars parked all the way down the driveway to the mailbox and tours running continually. Rylee did a great job all day, not only with chores while we got prepared, but ringing up sales, giving samples, and even explaining the creamery to folks waiting for us to start another tour. The cows were right up beside the creamery, initially because we needed that section eaten down, but in hindsight (God?) the best place for them to be on display during the tour. They loved the attention, and the people loved getting right up close to them. They were even looking in the creamery windows! I must say that Bill and I were tired when it was all done, although we had to go back out and milk. Even Rylee said she took a nap on Sunday. I think a good time was had by all. If you came for the tour and wanted milk, only to discover we sold out, we have more now!….