Happy Belated Mother’s Day!

Monday, May 9, 2022
Hello friends,
I hope all the mothers out there had a very happy day! I know I did. The air conditioner went on last night and I am so grateful. There is still wood in the living room next to the woodstove because it wasn’t that long ago that a nice fire felt good. Welcome to the Midwest where we seem to have two seasons, winter and summer. After that 4.5 inches of rain last week, I am still waiting for the garden to dry out so I can get these tomato plant (bushes!) out of the dining room and into the soil. Everything can be planted now, but my little spring garden has barely had a chance to sprout before all the summer seeds go in the ground.
The asparagus is growing like crazy. Bill picked it twice today and got a good handful both times. He mowed most of the lawn but there is still an area on the downhill side of our septic laterals that is too wet to get the riding mower into. I still remember the time we got the mower stuck and had to get a chain and the tractor to pull it out. Crazy! The flowers are mostly off the fruit trees and little marble sized fruits are forming. Peonies are working hard at blooming now and I’m checking some of the buds to capture for the wedding. Less than two weeks now.
Speaking of the wedding weekend, I think we will be open on Friday the 20th until 3 and then Saturday the 21st, Rylee can sell Friday’s milk from 10 until noon. Then the store will be closed again until Monday. We are getting so much milk now that cheese making happens almost every other day. Obviously, I can’t make cheese during the wedding festivities so help me out and get as much as you can on the 18th through 20th, so we don’t have to waste much. I have resigned myself that we may have to dump some milk but help us to minimize that…..


It’s Wedding Week


Farm Tour Major Success!