Linn County Farm Tour is This Saturday (April 30)

…..We are now milking nine cows, eight of which are milking to the bulk tank. The milk is markedly more yellow as the cows are consuming large quantities of grass from the pastures. This is the healthiest milk of the year so take advantage. We also are getting a lot more milk as that high octane grass is helping them produce almost double. Lots more cheese making! Just in time for garden planting time of year. Too much to do, not enough time. It’s this way every spring.
The fruit trees are in all their glory. The bees are very busy going from flower to flower, working their magic. We love bees! The asparagus is just starting, and the potatoes are coming up. All signs of spring.
This Saturday is the Linn County Farm Tour that I mentioned earlier. There are about 12 farms that you can go visit and many of us products available for sale that day. Bring your cooler if you think you might pick up some farm products that need to be kept cool. It starts at 9 and goes to 3:00 p.m. although we generally are not ready for customers until 10. We’ll either have to milk earlier, not my favorite, or show the process of finishing chores…..


Farm Tour Major Success!


Peach and Apple Trees in Bloom