Update on my Mom
Monday, November 29, 2021
Hello friends,
First for the update on my mom. She is in rehab right now, getting a good three hours of physical therapy per day while they keep tabs on her blood pressure and other vitals. She has improved greatly since last Monday, regaining most of her speech and certainly a lot of function in her left hand. It’s never fun being in a hospital room by yourself with only a complicated cable television to occupy your spare time, but she’s kept much busier where she is now than just a regular hospital stay. I’m still going up to keep her company, but it is tricky to figure out when she will be in her room and not at therapy. No point just sitting in her room. I don’t know how long she will need to stay before coming home, but it may be soon if she continues to progress. Thank you for all your prayers. He is answering.
Hope you had a happy Thanksgiving! Somehow, we managed to pull off a turkey dinner with the group effort and the “want to”. It was delicious and it sure is nice have those leftovers to warm up. Although the pie is all gone. Family tradition usually has us all going down to the lower 20 to look for pecans while the turkey is in the oven. The cows were very curious about what we were doing. We don’t fertilize, mow underneath, spray for bugs, shake the trees, lay down a tarp, or have the nuts cracked or blown. There are just about a dozen native pecan trees, and we look for what the squirrels, deer, and bugs have missed. That almost full cup of finished pecans was very precious!…