Party Packs Available

Monday, December 6, 2021
Hello friends,
The cold front has arrived, and December is here. Bill keeps trying to decide if it is going to get cold enough that he will have to shut down the pond water system. We check the forecasts and compare sources. Five degrees difference could mean the pump freezes despite the heat lamp in the pump house and leaving the water run just a little. But if we dodge having to shut it down, we can keep the cows out of the ponds a little longer and avoid that expensive rural water as a last resort. Later in the week it looks like a 70-degree day is coming. Crazy!
Mom is scheduled to be discharged from Rehab on Wednesday. Yeah! I think she is getting bored, and I don’t blame her. She is a big football fan, especially the Chiefs, but I think she has watched enough TV in the last three weeks to make even her long for something else. Only so much house flipping, cookie baking, and football commentary one captive audience can handle. I will get my instructions and we’ll take good care of her here at home.
I suppose it’s time to gear up for the holiday season around here. We still haven’t gotten lights up on the creamery, but now we need nicer weather. After some discussion and figuring, we have put together this year’s Party Pack. We have made a special purchase of some of Five Mile Farm’s grass-fed beef summer sausage to which we will add a wedge of aged cheese and a tub of Fromage Blanc, a $20 value for $18. You can always add more cheese if you like, or more sausage for that matter. I’m hoping to have some dried fruits and nuts available to add as well. Just pick up some crackers or baguettes and your favorite beverage and you have a party!…


Mom is HOME


Update on my Mom