Happy Thanksgiving

Monday, November 22, 2021
Hello friends,
We would appreciate your prayers! My mom had a stroke last Wednesday and is currently in the hospital at St. Luke’s Wornall. She has been undergoing tests to determine causes, as well as working with several Speech, OT, and PT specialists to return function to her left side. She has already made progress, but we’re not done yet and Bill and I are just getting the basics done. We are both milking in the morning, then I take off to the hospital, and he is doing the chores by himself at night. Our part time helper had too much on her plate and had to quit about two weeks ago.
So, please pray. The plan is for Mom to go to the rehab center at St. Luke’s South next. There she will continue her progress and get to a level that we can handle at home soon. Meanwhile, I will have milk, and we have hard cheese, but supplies of yogurt, mozzarella, buttermilk, etc. will not be able to be replenished until our schedule is more home based. I know the yogurt will be particularly missed. Thank you for your patience.
Happy Thanksgiving and I plan on having a better report next Monday….


Update on my Mom


The Leaves Are Almost Off the Trees