Farm Tour This Saturday 9-3
Monday, May 15, 2023
Hello friends,
Wahoo! We got RAIN! And plenty of it! The initial storm that came through was dramatic and scary, but it yielded 1.25 inches of rain filled with nitrogen fixing lightning. The response to the soaking rain has been amazing. Everything is growing like it should be this time of year. The violent winds almost sent us to the basement, and we lost some large limbs from a maple tree in the back yard, but after it settled down to just rain, we were rooting for the rainfall. No tornadoes, no hail, just wind and rain. Then we had two more half inch days of rain to follow up the beneficial soaking. Praise the Lord!
The Farm Tour is this Saturday, and we are getting ready. Makenzie is not due until the 26th but by the looks of things she will be early. I’m just not sure if it will be in time to show off a newborn cutie calf for the farm tour. Everyone loves the baby animals, and Erin is our youngest, but she is already 4 ½ months old. Still cute, but not as endearing as a wobbly newborn. We’ll have cheese samples, and everything will be as stocked as we possibly can. The entire creamery will be open to tour, including the cheese cave if you would like to go down and see it. The milkers will all be up close so you can take a good look at them without taking a hike in the pasture. If you want raw milk, let us know ahead of time so we can reserve it for you. The tour says 9 to 3, but we’re usually still finishing cleaning up after milking at that time and would prefer waiting until closer to 10…..