No Rain

Monday, May 8, 2023
Hello friends,
              Ooh!  The rain was so close last night!  We woke up to constant thunder and lightning, but alas, no rain fell here.  Even as we speak it has clouded up and there is severe weather directly to the east in Missouri, but no rain here.  I’m wanting it to hold off until after chores because I have my garden beds prepared to plant tomatoes.  Then it can rain.  I mean I would take rain anytime at this point. 
              The June bugs are back already.  I’m not surprised, they usually arrive in May.  Also, the “June bearing” strawberries usually bear in May as well.  Oh well.  We try to turn off all the lights when we go to bed.  That means that our bedroom light is the last to go out and that is where all the bugs gravitate.  The June bugs are particularly noisy as they bang into the windows.  It’s kind of like a scary movie.  I had to sneak outside and bring in the flag from the front porch the other night and accidentally brought several Mayflies and two noisy June bugs.  ( I guess the Mayflies were named properly!)  Nothing more exciting than relaxing before bed and have a bug divebomb your light fixture!….


Farm Tour This Saturday 9-3


Rain Please!