Makenzie Had a Boy

Monday, May 22, 2023
Hello friends,
              The wind has gone somewhere else, and the weather is just so pleasant.  We had a perfect weather day for the farm tour.  After a chilly rainy day on Friday, we were just blessed with a sunny, slightly cool tour day.  There was a good crowd but not overwhelming.  We had both of our workers here to help and everyone did a great job.  And right on schedule for the tour, Makenzie had her calf on Saturday morning!  Can you believe her timing???  Unfortunately, it is a boy, but a cute boy, nonetheless.  We let the kids go right in the stall with him and he enjoyed being pet by everyone.  Bill and I took a long nap on Sunday.
              I am working hard to finish planting the garden.  Two more beds done today, and hopefully two more tomorrow, and then I’m done.  I got some flowers to put in pots on the back porch, and some daisies to transplant.  The weeds are really sprouting with the rain we had and then the warm sunshine.  Time to pull weeds and MULCH!  I have the advantage of a big supply of abandoned hay bales so I can really put it on thick.  I’ve planted some flowers here and there so if it doesn’t rain, I have to WATER their tender root….


Family Emergency


Farm Tour This Saturday 9-3