Hay Making Begins

Tuesday, September 7, 2021
Hello friends,
Hope you had a happy Labor Day! We did. As you can see, I took the evening off and didn’t write the newsletter yesterday. We went to Atchison to spend some time with family and didn’t get back until late. It was a great time and I’m sure you understand.
They finally came today with the big mower to cut our hay! Yay! Lanes 1,2,4,5, 10,11, and 12 are all nicely mowed with the grass laid out in windrows to dry. The forecast had narry a day of rain in store for this week, however…this afternoon there was this little spot on the radar. And then the spot got bigger and started heading our way! Bill and I began praying and speaking to that storm to split and go around us. Do you know what? It did. It thundered and threatened, but only enough rain to wet the sidewalks. I posted the screenshot of the radar on the Skyview Instagram. Amazing! Thank you, Lord…..


Hay Baled and Put Away


Investigating Purchasing a Generator