Investigating Purchasing a Generator

Monday, August 30, 2021
Hello friends,
No hurricane here. Several years ago, I remember that some of the outer bands of a hurricane came through and broke a very hot stretch of weather and drought. It brought much needed rains in the middle of bleakness. Our grass farmer friends in the Lawrence area were not so fortunate as the bands did not reach that far. Their drought continued and caused them to reduce their herd size to accommodate the lack of grass to eat. Less than a hundred miles separate us, but there can be a world of difference in weather!
We are investigating purchasing a generator that could handle the creamery and the large draw of electricity needed to start up the milk machine. Yes, we have a small generator that has helped us out a few times get through a little power outage. But it is not powerful enough to operate the vacuum pump or the bulk tank and refrigerators and freezers. I think a lot of other people are looking into generators as well because some of them are back ordered. Not too many people need one the size we are looking at, so that narrows down the pressure. Just thought it would be wisdom to have a way to keep everything moving in the event of a power outage. This past winter and the situation in Texas have us thinking more about preparedness. We have food, but it needs to be milked from the cows and chilled, all requiring electricity…..


Hay Making Begins


Makenzie Had Her Calf