Hay Baled and Put Away

Monday, September 13, 2021
Hello friends,
The hay is all baled and put away. Bill spent the better part of today moving hay bales with his tractor from all over the pastures to the hay storage area near the barn. Back and forth, two at a time until he had moved all 64 bales. A few went into the barn for long keeping, the rest are like shredded wheat biscuits in a row with electric fence around it to protect them from the cows. They like to rub on them for some reason, and that tears the wrapping off. Then all their winter food would be exposed to the weather.
Last week I twisted my ankle and now I’m limping around. Bummer. If I could just spend more time with my feet up, I’m sure it would heal faster. That is really hard to do around here. We get plenty of exercise walking out to the hens, then walking out to get the cows, then taking them back. You know the drill. Bill has had quite a bit of experience in sprains since he played basketball in high school and college. That makes me feel like it will be fine, but it does take time…..


Fall Begins This Week


Hay Making Begins