Whitney Had Her Calf
Monday, October 18, 2021
Hello friends,
The moon is so bright tonight that I barely needed a flashlight to shut in the hens, except to count them on the roosts. The air is crisp and very fall-like, because it is fall. Bill was burning the scrap wood and branches that didn’t make the cut to the woodpile from the dead trees in the front pasture, and it smelled like I needed to get my stick and a hot dog. Even though we didn’t get enough apples to make cider this year, I still have some canned in jars from last year and I think it will hit the spot!
We have a friend from our house fellowship that has 10 kittens from two litters that she needs to find homes for very soon. The are 5 weeks old or almost so they are just about independent from mom. So cute. We have had lots of kittens around here, but it’s been about 4 years. We’ve been called the kitten farm by some kids, (not the dairy farm, humph!) So, if you would like a cute little kitten, or two, let me know and I will forward her number to you.
Whitney surprised us last Tuesday and had her calf 10 days early! It’s a girl! Finally! Now Squeak has a companion in the barn. The last calf that Whitney had was on 02-02-2020, Superbowl Sunday 2020. This calf was born on 10-12-21 so there is a little coincidence there. I don’t think it means anything, but interesting. We are either naming her Willow or Winnifred. (Winnie, or Fred) Whitney has already worked through the colostrum phase and is milking online with the rest of the cows. That will help with the milk supply which has been a little tight lately….