Happy Columbus Day!

Monday, October 11, 2021
Hello friends,
Happy Columbus Day! Nice to start off the week with a two-hour power outage. We were just getting up and I was about to make coffee, when the lights flickered and went out. I found the flashlight and went back upstairs. Since it is so dark at 6 a.m. we just went back to bed until the power should come back on. We called the power company which gave us an 8:30 estimate. The estimate was pretty accurate, but we got a later than usual start to chores.
After about 1.2” of rain overnight, the air is crisp again and fall feels like it’s in the air. The cows will be happy about that. They are getting their winter coats, which is daylight triggered I suppose, and Saturday’s 90 degrees was rough on them. They were much more comfortable today…..


Whitney Had Her Calf


A Few Trees are Beginning to Show Color