Hanging Onto Our Hats

Monday, October 25, 2021
Hello friends,
We were hanging on to our hats yesterday! The wind was blowing leaves off the trees like crazy. There was a large dead branch from the cottonwood tree in the middle of the circle drive that finally came down, scattering sticks and twigs. When we built this house 22 years ago, we knew that tree was hollow, and we made sure that the house was going to be plenty far enough away. It’s still hollow, and still standing, but dropping more branches now. Not to worry, we have lots of other trees in the yard.
It’s a little chilly in the house, but not bad enough to build a fire, or even pop the furnace on for a little while. Just put on another shirt. No frost yet, but I’m sure it won’t be too long now. I’m cutting parsley to dry for the winter, peppers will be next, and there are still a few “Dixie butterpeas”, those tasty little lima beans. My mom bought a few more peonies Saturday at the Peony Society’s annual sale. We won’t know for sure how many of the plants will make it that we had to transplant at the wrong time of year. We did our best keeping them comfortable with shade cloths, mulch, and the right moisture. Most of them are dormant now, and we will have to see what comes up in the spring…..




Whitney Had Her Calf