Kelcie Had a Boy

Monday, September 26, 2022

Hello friends,

Happy Fall! We got 0.6” of rain last week which helped, but we still need more. The temperatures are trending to more seasonal . The leaves began falling just all of a sudden! The cows are starting to grow their winter coats and we are starting chores with an extra shirt. I love the cool evenings and warm afternoons!

It’s a boy! Kelcie had her calf on Sunday morning, bright and early. We went out to get the cows from lane 1 and counted them. There should have been 17, but we were one short. Since she was looking so imminent on Saturday, we were not a bit surprised to find her and her calf away from the herd. She did a great job and since little Travis was still wet and not yet sturdy on his feet, we left them together and went to milk the other cows. Later, we found them quite a distance away, all perky and Kelcie was ready to join the herd. Milking her is a bit of a challenge as most heifers are a bit kicky and she is typical. She will settle down after a while, they always do. Well, so far my heifers always have……


Emmy Lou Had a Boy


Linn County Fall Farm Tour