Linn County Fall Farm Tour
Monday, September 19, 2022
Hello friends,
Still no rain here. Man, is it dry! It’s getting serious. And this hot, dry wind doesn’t help any either. Another “peak day” from the power company so they can add insult to injury by charging us more when we need the power the most. The cows are still resisting the hay, insisting on eating the little blades of grass down to the ground. Milk production has dropped because they don’t have a lot of extra calories for production. It is September! I am ready for fall. There are differing weather forecasts. The National Weather doesn’t have much hope for rain, and my “hippie dippy” weather app on my phone says 68% chance on Thursday. Let’s pray the app is right.
This Saturday is the Linn County Fall Farm Tour, so I wanted to remind you again. It may be pretty crowded like the spring tour, or it may be a leisurely day. Hard to tell. We’ll be tailoring the tours to the interest of the visitors. Some people want a quick look, and others want the complete explanation of the entire process. There will be cheese available to sample and to purchase. Bring your coolers if you plan on picking up some goodies to take home that need to be kept cold…..