Emmy Lou Had a Boy

Monday, October 3, 2022

Hello friends,

Warm days and cool nights. I love it. I would love some drenching rains even better, but we’ll be thankful for the nice weather. The windows have come open, the sweatshirts are needed for morning chores, and I’m kicking piles of leaves from the edges of the sidewalk. There is a very bright star in the east at dusk which I discovered is Jupiter. At first, I thought it was an airplane, but it just didn’t move. The clear skies are nice for star gazing this time of year.

Emmy Lou had her calf on Saturday afternoon. I was looking out the window in the kitchen and I noticed one of the cows off by herself. Yep. I asked Bill if we were ready for the next calf, and he said no. Well, we had better get ready because there is a calf on the ground. It is getting dark earlier every day, and we wanted to get them secured in the barnyard. Coyotes can really attack the newborn calves and as it turned out, this one didn’t have the strength to get up on his own. Emmy Lou was actually anxious to follow the herd to the milking parlor, and we just put the calf in the back of the truck. Heifers are usually not that good at attending to their newborns, but we put them together overnight. It has taken a couple of days, but he is finally standing and walking on his own. If we were not there to intervene, that calf would have died, not being able to suckle. As it is, Harrison, as we are calling him, is fast friends with Travis who was born last week….


Calves For Sale


Kelcie Had a Boy