Best Milk of the Year

Monday, April 17, 2023
Hello friends,
              Whoo hoo!  The best milk of the year!  The absolute most nutritious, delicious, creamiest milk from VERY happy cows chowing down on lush spring grass!  We turn them into a fresh paddock, and they dig in.  I love the sound of them taking huge mouthfuls in a rhythmic pulling of those tender grasses.  This will last for several weeks until the grass begins to go to seed sometime in May.  If you ever wanted to make that beautiful bright yellow butter, this is the cream to use.  No, I’m not skimming the cream off for you, you’ll have to buy the whole gallon and skim it yourself.  Come and get it!
              Also, there is going to be a price increase on the milk as soon as the new shipment of grain comes next week.  We have been trying to keep the milk as affordable as possible and I still think it’s a great bargain.  For now, it’s still $6.75/ gal. plus the jar deposit, but it is going up to $7.50.  I know other places that are charging much more.  We are going to start a “give and take” jar kind of like the penny cups you find at the registers of convenience stores.   We’ll see how that works out.  Everything else is staying the same price….


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