April Showers Bring…. Lush Grass and Gardens
Monday, April 10, 2023
Hello friends,
Finally, April showers to bring… lush grass and gardens! Yeah! As we traveled to Atchison yesterday to celebrate Easter with our family, I was struck by how brown the margins of the highway were. Even the pastures were still short and barely green, except for the wheat fields. When we drove past Bean Lake, MO which is north of Weston on the way to Atchison, I was shocked that the lake was dry! A little 100 square foot puddle with some ducks and geese and that’s it. They are going to need a LOT of rain to make it a lake again. And not that long ago all those lake houses were flooded!
The cows are enjoying the grass growing and are eating it as fast as we let them. Milk production is up for two reasons. First, the grass is potent for making milk, and second, Trixie had her calf right on her due date last Wednesday. Unfortunately, the calf is a boy, but the good news is that Trixie has a lot of milk to contribute now. For the time being we are naming him Pee Wee because he is a little small, and secondly because he peed on Bill when he was carrying him. That doesn’t have to be his official name, but then we still have a steer named Squeak. Imagine that! We are planning on making cheese tomorrow which has been a rare activity these last couple of month…