It’s Clouding Up

Monday, April 24, 2023
Hello friends,
              It’s clouding up.  I’m hoping for some rain this time.  Last week we really had our hopes up, but we didn’t get two drops.  All that scurrying around to get the garden ready for rain and it didn’t happen.  Not to worry, I watered it in.  Except the bean seeds.  I didn’t want them to sprout and have that frost promptly kill them.  I have always gone by the idea that the last frost is by the first of May.  More or less.  This year has been tricky.  We covered our asparagus, but there was still a little damage.  The potatoes got bitten, but they will come back.  Everything else is fine.  Now we are ready for some rain!
              Remember when I wrote about our stinker cow going over the fence when she was in heat and there were three Angus bulls tending her?  Well, it’s been three weeks, and can you believe she came back into heat?????  I was flabbergasted!  Something is not right!  Good thing I didn’t waste any AI straws trying to breed her.  We’ll give her some more time and see what happens.  Meanwhile, we are beginning to dry up Vivian and Patty for their pregnancy vacations.  They will take some time out from milking to bolster their nutrient stores for their upcoming lactation.  The next cow due is Makenzie on May 26 or thereabouts.  We also have a 3-week-old bull calf for sale since we are focusing on heifers.  He would make a great 4 H bucket calf.  Now I know that there are only a few of you that this applies to but if you have room in your back yard….  Jersey beef is delicious…..


Rain Please!


Best Milk of the Year