Rain Please!

Monday, May 1, 2023
Hello friends,
              I’ll say it again.  We need rain.  This is supposed to be the rainy season.  We are watering the seeds that I’ve planted in the garden with very little effect.  The wind dries out the soil and the seeds don’t have a chance.  I have plans to plant more things but I’m waiting.  My tomato plants are waiting inside as the cabbage plants are getting beat up out in the garden.  What survives should be very sturdy.  The grass is green, but it should be taking off and instead it’s growing slowly in the cool, dry weather.   Maybe this week it will rain.
              We sold Pee Wee this evening.  It’s always a little sad to sell an animal that doesn’t get to spend its life on Skyview Farm.  But we really don’t need any more male calves.  We are hoping that we have more heifers born this year.  Makenzie is due in 25 days, and we have three cows to deliver in June.  I pray for at LEAST 50/50 heifer ratio….


No Rain


It’s Clouding Up