Happy Presidents Day

Monday, February 20, 2023

Hello friends,

Happy Presidents Day! I know many of you had the day off because it is a federal holiday. The banks and schools are closed, and a lot of offices take the day off. The cows didn’t take the day off. In fact, they never take a day off, as a group that is. We took the opportunity of the beautiful day to wash windows. It may not last very long, but when the sun shines into the living room window, it sure is a nice view.

The cows are noticing the sprouts of grass. Oh my, they are working hard to find them. The chickens are too. There are more and more of them every day, sprouts not chickens. We are still on the weather roller coaster but soon the signs of spring will be more dependable. The pile of firewood is going down more slowly as it warms up. Glad I picked out some smaller pieces that we can keep just a little fire burning....


Lots of Wind


Perpetual Hope