Perpetual Hope
Monday, February 13, 2023
Hello friends,
HOW ABOUT THOSE CHIEFS????? Whoo Hoo! I suppose most of the city was watching the game yesterday and we were no exception. After we finished chores that is. Not to worry, we have seen highlights of what we missed. It is pretty amazing when you think about what they have accomplished. We are really blessed as a city to have such a quality organization. Congratulations to the Chiefs!
The warmer weather is stimulating a few spring responses. Little sprouts of grass are poking up through the dormant brown grass. My daffodils are about 2 inches tall already, and we have heard the distinctive call of the red winged black birds. Don’t be fooled, it’s not spring yet, but you can see it from here. I finally got my garden seeds ordered this weekend. Probably a bit ambitious, but it all looks so good from the pictures and descriptions. You never know, we may have a fabulous growing season this year to make up for the drought last summer. That was discouraging, but somehow a true gardener has perpetual hope for better luck next year....