Happy Independence Day!

Monday, July 4, 2022

Hello friends,

              Happy Independence Day!  It sure was a hot one!  We originally planned on roasting hot dogs in the fire pit and going fishing in our pond, but it’s just too hot to make that enjoyable.  Unfortunately, the outlook for the week is not much better, in fact it could be hotter.  Maybe the humidity will ease up with the high temperatures.  After that 1.7” of rain Saturday the crabgrass in the yard is really taking off.  I suppose that goes for in the pastures as well so there is always a silver lining.

              We spent the better part of today untangling electric poultry netting from its storage in the barn.  No, not for the chickens, but for around our fruit trees.  The last several years has been a free for all in the orchard and we have “shared” way too much fruit with the wildlife.  There was only one pear that survived for us to eat, and it was loaded at one time.  The peaches are just about ripe, and I’ll bet the raccoons are keeping an eye on them just like we are.  The deer have been trimming the bottom branches on the apple trees, although there is a cute spotted fawn that we see prancing around from time to time.  So, we broke off the mud daubers from the electric netting, stretched it all the way out to look for places that needed to be mended, and set it up around the orchard.  Next comes the fence charger.  Right now, the deer can jump over it, but once we get the fence charged, the hope is that they will sniff the fence first and sense the electricity and back away.  Just everything back AWAY!....


Moving Slowly


Beautiful Temperatures