Beautiful Temperatures

Monday, June 27, 2022

Hello friends,

              Ahh!  Two days in a row with beautiful temperatures.  We had a refreshing inch of rain Saturday night and the pastures have responded.  Although the grass has gone to seed and it looks like it’s brown, that’s just the seed tops.  Down below there are grasses and clovers that are thriving.  We have set aside several lanes from our rotational grazing use and are not letting the cows graze them.  Then we will have grass thick enough for a decent amount of hay.  We hire a local rancher to cut and bale for us, but their own hay fields come first.  Then we wait for a nice dry stretch so the cut hay can cure.  Always working with the weather!

              The lettuce is starting to bolt so we are eating chef salad for dinner.  You can’t, dry, can, or freeze lettuce so we just pick it and put it in big bags in the refrigerator.  That only lasts a week or so before going bad.  The cucumber plants are climbing up the trellis, and the tomatoes keep needing a stray branch to be tied to the fencing.  I keep pulling weeds and mulching.  Eventually everything will be in order, and I’ll have to go after stray weeds.  I love when the garden is under control, but it sure is a lot of work!…..


Happy Independence Day!


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