Moving Slowly

Skyview Farm News

Monday,  July 11, 2022

Hello friends,

              You just can’t take your health for granted.  Bill was the first to come down with the bug, then Rylee, then me, and finally my mom.  Ugh!  The cows still have to be milked but when all your back up help is also feeling puny, it makes for a puny chore time.  Somehow, we are managing.  Taking turns, moving slowly, and only doing the bare necessities.  Bill is starting to feel better so I’m hopeful that it won’t be long and the rest of us will gain some strength.

              The peach trees have each had issues the last couple of years, but this was the year for their complete demise.  Both of the older trees broke their heavy peach laden branches, and the younger tree could not overcome the deer scraping of its bark last fall.   Looks like we are going to need to plant a couple of new trees. The apple and pear trees look good, and so far, the electric netting has been protecting them from the little raccoon bandits.  The trees are obvious sources of food, and they don’t understand that they belong to us!…..


Hay Mower Came


Happy Independence Day!