Calves For Sale
Monday, October 10, 2022
Hello friends,
What a beautiful harvest moon last night! It played a little peek a boo with the clouds, but the night sky was lit up! I have stopped trying to take a picture of it because it never looks the same. Just stop and enjoy the moment. I know that theoretically it happens once a month, but sometimes it’s just more spectacular.
This Friday we will be taking two beeves into the processor, one is a cull cow and the other is a steer that is half Jersey and half Angus. In a normal year we might have lush fall grass to finish the steer to marble the meat and cut out steaks. This year we’ll just go with lean whole cow ground beef since we haven’t had any growing grass for several months. It should be very good, but not juicy steak type beef. I’ll let you know when it’s ready.
The two little male calves, Travis and Harrison, are growing and being cute. We don’t really need two more male calves so if you have a farm and would like to raise a bottle or bucket calf, or two, let me know, they are for sale. Or if you have a nurse cow. Some people do, you know. On the other hand, if they were heifers, we might keep them. Janie is due to calve in about a week, so we’ll see what we get there. A lot of coming and going. I have everything written down on cards for each cow. When they were born, the parents, when they were bred, when they calved, and so on. Even when they move on, I keep their cards in the file because sometimes we look back at the ancestry. My little card file is getting full….