Vivian Had Her Calf

Monday, August 16, 2021
Hello friends,
We sure enjoyed our 1.1 inch of rain last week and are looking for more. I know there were areas north of us that got a lot more, but an inch was pretty good. The grass was just starting to go dormant, and the rain perked it up again. The cooler weather is a nice break too!
Vivian is such a good cow. Steady as she goes. She had her calf on schedule Friday. A nice half breed Jersey/Angus cross that we are calling Zeke. A real go-getter. He was born in the rain, so he was sopping wet when we found him. Vivian had him all cleaned up and tanked with her precious colostrum. Soon we’ll be adding her milk to the supply which will certainly help. Makenzie is due next, and she is showing signs of calving soon…


Makenzie Had Her Calf

