
Monday, August 9, 2021
Hello friends,
We have some hay. No, they haven’t cut our pastures yet, but we bought 42 big round bales and they were delivered this afternoon. You can have money in the bank, or hay stored up, but not both! I think the hay could be more useful. Lots of hay is being put up all over. The bountiful rains earlier, followed by hot dry weather for curing the hay is perfect. Not too dry or it will burn up and lose nutrition. Maybe next week we we’ll get our pastures cut.
Madison is back from vacation so we can breathe a little easier this week. It wasn’t too bad because we are only milking 4 cows. I know. It has been a very long time since we only milked 4 cows. It won’t be for long. We are officially on calf watch because Vivian is due in less than a week, Makenzie is due in 2 weeks. Enjoy the lighter load while it lasts….


Vivian Had Her Calf


Welcome Relief From the Heat