Makenzie Had Her Calf

Monday, August 23, 2021
Hello friends,
It’s heating up again! But this time we have just saturated everything with a healthy summer rain. Yes, it’s steamy, but the grass is still growing. Bill comes in from mowing and announces that he sweated up another shirt. Yep, still summer.
Makenzie had her calf last Wednesday and he is so cute. Mom has a white tail switch which is rather unusual for Jersey cows, and the calf has inherited that trait, as well as white legs and a spot on top and on his forehead. Alas, he is not a heifer so we shall not get overly attached. We are naming him Zachariah or Zack for short. He is good company for Ezekiel or Zeke. Yep, we have Zeke and Zach. Isn’t that nice? We can easily tell them apart because one is obviously a Jersey, and the other looks like a chocolate Angus, not quite black. They are both vigorous eaters, and vocal encouragers to get their bottles on time!…


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Vivian Had Her Calf