Monday, November 1, 2021
Hello friends,
Yes, November. A toasty fire in the woodstove and all the chores done. Leftovers for dinner so that should be easy. Kind of a gray day today, but the weekend was so nice. The family got together to celebrate Stephen’s birthday and it was perfect for having a hot dog roast, fishing, and generally being outside. Today wouldn’t have been ideal.
This morning we combined the 6 yearling calves from the front pasture with the herd of milkers and there was a lot of bouncing around and head butting as they find their places. The younger ones are understandably tentative to go through open gates that have been off limits in the past, so it took a lot of coaxing, circling back, and calling to get them in the right place. Then we had to separate them at evening milking time, but they were not cooperating. Madison pursued a calf through a muddy patch and it ended up being a boot sucker. Yep, she walked right out of her boot, and I had to pull it out for her. And it wasn’t easy! We had a good laugh and scolded some calves!….