Beef is Here

Monday, October 31, 2022

Hello friends,

What beautiful weather we have been having. Cool nights and warm days make for motivated outdoor workers! Bill has finished splitting and stacking wood for the winter. (Not the axe and maul style, but the power splitter) We have had one day that we made a fire, but other than that just a little furnace here and there to make it comfortable. The days are getting much shorter and I, for one, will be happy when we go off the daylight savings. I’m not a fan of it anyway. I can always use more morning light than evening.

The beef is here. Most of it anyway. We didn’t quite have enough freezer space in the creamery but it’s not worth buying another freezer when it usually comes and goes rather quickly. The butcher has allowed us to pay for all the processing and leave some of it in their freezers to pick up later. We have plenty now, but there is a limited supply. Bill says we should make the limit 20# instead of just 10# so you have more options. Also, we have soupbones and some bone-in Ribeyes that we pulled out of the steer. I guess it’s not completely whole cow ground, but almost. We had some for dinner on Friday because we have to know what we are selling, right? They are very good. Not Prime marbled, but very good. At least you know how it was raised. We will also have liver when we pick up the rest of the beef…..


More Rain!


Hallelujah! We Got Rain!