More Rain!
Monday, November 7, 2022
Hello friends,
We got more rain! Whoo hoo! The last rain overran our leaf filled gutters and it was pitiful. You feel so helpless watching the water pouring over the roof and splashing next to the house. So, this time we got the gutters cleaned out, just in the nick of time. The storm clouds were already bearing down on us from the west and I was up on the roof, scooting along on my behind, tossing leaves over the edge. That’s the front and the north. Bill climbed the ladder for the back of the house, and we just can’t do anything about the highest gutters on the steepest part of the roof. Neither of us feel safe that high on that steep pitch. It was very satisfying to watch the 3 inches of rain going through the downspouts! And the ponds came up a good amount too! The next morning was a beautiful rainbow…..