Hallelujah! We Got Rain!

Monday, October 24, 2022

Hello friends,

Hallelujah! We got rain! I think it is still drizzling out there. Bill measured 2.5” in the rain gauge so far. So wonderful. This afternoon the cows came begging to be let into the loafing shed. Cool, wet, and windy is a difficult combination for them. They all found their spot in the shelter and promptly laid down, comfy and cozy. The chickens were in and out and under their house all day, but not ranging out very far. Our house cat “Babydoll” wanted to go outside as usual, but she promptly came back in. Then she whined and wanted out again. This went back and forth several times with her just tracking water in the dining room. Finally, she went out and went under the deck for a while. I think every gutter failed to send water down the downspouts! The wind blew a bunch of leaves down and we didn’t get a chance to clean them out before the rain. Ugh. Oh well, I’m still happy!….


Beef is Here


Janie Had Her Calf