Mom is HOME

Monday, December 13, 2021
Hello friends,
Another week that the water system is still on! This won’t last forever, but we’ll take every week we can get. Looks like winter is on its way next week. We’ll see. Could the grass still be growing? We put the cows in a lane they haven’t been in for a couple of weeks, and they came back super faaaat! New grass growth? It appears so. Either way, we are both happy for it.
Trixie’s due date is today. The last cow due this year. She doesn’t even look close, so I figure we have about a week. Last time she was 9 days overdue so I’m not holding my breath. She’s getting very friendly, motherly even, but her udder is just starting to fill out. Meanwhile, we are breeding cows that had their calves at least two months prior. They get a little time off and then back to pregnancy. It makes for better milk quality if they have a calf about every year and not milk for a super long time before freshening. That’s in a perfect scenario. Realistically, we keep track of their cycles and try to get them bred in a timely manner, but when we do AI, it usually takes several tries before they “settle.” It’s always a happy day when they pass the time they would normally cycle and then they don’t, indicating pregnancy.
Mom is now home. A relief for all of us. She has her sidekick cane to help her steady herself, but she is no longer limited to her chair without setting off an alarm. There are still professionals coming and going to minister to her, PT’s, OT’s, RN’s, Speech Pathologists. I’m happy that she’s not so far away…..


Merry Christmas! HOLIDAY HOURS


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