Warm Day
Monday, April 3, 2023
Hello friends,
A very warm day today and no gale-force wind. Now all we need is a little more rain and the grass should take off. It is coming along, but not enough to really let the cows dig in to the other pastures. We still must protect the short sprouts. I didn’t think the winter was all that bad, but there are several perennial plants that didn’t make it through. I have had chives and some lovely purple phlox that I don’t see coming up yet and they should be. Even the “lawn” is very patchy. Maybe it’s still too early.
We had a little drama last Friday. Reagan was in heat in the morning so the normal process is that we giver her until evening and then we breed her with my ‘bull in the freezer’ AI. We went to get the cows and Reagan was missing. It didn’t take long to deduce that she was in our neighbor’s pasture hanging out with their three Angus bulls. Oh brother. Well, we can assume she is most likely bred with a half breed. But the problem was that she was motivated to find a weak place in the fence to go play but was nervous about coming back. Hailey and I created as large a space as possible by stepping on the bottom strands and lifting the top. Meanwhile, her boyfriends were not really wanting her to leave, and although they were not paying us much attention, they were mixing it up among themselves. I think Reagan was tired of playing and ready to come home and get milked. Bill left to get a bucket of grain to sweeten the deal, although I thought he might attract the wrong bovines. Hailey and I kept walking the weak fence line, looking for a place to help her get through. We finally found a place and she was in a hurry to go all the way back to the creamery to get milked. Always somethin….