Daylight Savings

Monday, November 8, 2021
Hello friends,
Wow! What a gorgeous day! The sun was out in full force, streaming its warming rays to the earth. It does a lot for the soul to soak in some November sunshine because you never know what’s around the corner. The patches of light frost that we’ve had has closed the season for some garden plants, but not all. The flowers are still hanging in there. It’s like we are on borrowed time, waiting for the other weather shoe to drop.
Daylight savings is rarely a welcome change on the farm. The cows go by daylight, not clocks, and they think we forgot them if it gets dark before we start evening chores. They will eventually adjust, as we all do. I would be fine with keeping us on regular time always. I don’t think we gain any advantage with the change. A lot of clock setting on electronics that I don’t remember how to change. We didn’t want to sleep in on Sunday morning, opting to use that extra hour for more time before church, but my phone insisted on putting us up to date, and so we ended up a half hour off. Weird….


The Leaves Are Almost Off the Trees

