Good Day at the Holiday Market

Monday, December 7, 2020
Hello friends,
What a foggy morning! It took until about 9:30 for the sun to finally pierce through the fog. The trees were dripping. I guess that was frozen fog on them. At about 8:00, we went out to get the cows and all we could see was fog and a few dark forms. As we called, they began moving toward our voices and we made a count before we closed the gate behind them. Yep, 14, all there.
Saturday ended up being a good day for the holiday market. I was very busy, so that’s a good thing. When I can load up the car, set up my tables, arrange full coolers around me, and spend all day talking cheese, that’s a good day. Coming home with almost empty coolers makes it a great day. Thank you to all the visitors to the market this year. It has been a challenge to come to some normalcy, but I think we did it. After a late start, then the drive through market at the convention center, to the community center parking lot, we finally got into a groove and people began to know what to expect from week to week. I’m not sure what next year will bring, but we made it through this season, and I’m thankful!….


Cheese for the Holidays


The Chickens are out on Pasture