Cheese for the Holidays

Monday, December 14, 2020
Hello friends,
It’s beginning to look and feel a little bit like Christmas. We saw some snow flurries briefly today, there is a nice warm fire in the wood stove, and the house has decorations in place. Shopping has begun, plans are in the works for family get-togethers, and Christmas music is playing on the stereo. No eggnog yet, no presents wrapped, and no cookies baked, but those will be coming up.
This Saturday I will be coming up to the city for pre-order pick-up under the downtown OP market pavilion from 10:30 to 11:30. If you would like for me to bring something for you, I will meet you there. Anything on the list below, except milk, I am able to bring for you. We are having two sale offers. The first one is the Party Pack: 3 wedges of aged cheese and a tub of Fromage Blanc, $20. Or buy any 4 wedges (or more, actually) and get 20% off. Can’t figure out what to get your in-laws, boss, or special friend? How about CHEESE! Or having a cozy Christmas Eve celebration with special appetizers? Add some local cheese! I need your pre-order by noon on Friday!
The chickens are almost all trained to go in their egg mobile at night. Just two stubborn hold-outs insist on huddling next to Benard, our scare-varmit. (We don’t usually have a problem with crows, so it’s not a scarecrow, but I noticed a wary coyote the other day, and hawks are our main problematic daytime predator.) They don’t understand the danger of sleeping on the ground outside! Every evening we pick them up, put them on the step, the tire in front of the little door, and then try to walk their feet in the door. Then we shut the little door, go in the big door, and make sure they get up on the roosts. Only then are they safe from predators! They are 13 weeks old and have come a long way, but still have at least a month before I expect to find little pullet eggs…..


Closed on Christmas Day


Good Day at the Holiday Market