Spring is Here!
Monday, March 22, 2021
Hello friends,
We just had several days to dry out and the threat of rain is back again. Lol. Would have been nice to get potatoes planted, but it was still too wet in the garden. We took our window of opportunity to move the hens while the pasture is a less soggy. The cows are spending more and more time looking for those tender sprouts and less time eating that hay. Soon they will have plenty of grass to eat without the hay and milk production will increase! We must get ready!
The flower beds are looking a little shaggy as those pesky purple flowered Henbit weeds thrive in this weather. The back yard is a little splotchy with some really lush spots that mark where the young pullets were moving with their chicken tractor. If only we could spread that out, we would have a decently fertilized lawn. As it is, whatever grows, we mow. No dandelions yet, believe it or not. The daffodils are blooming, and the peonies are sprouting. It won’t be long now…..