It Rained and Rained!

Monday, March 15, 2021
Hello friends,
Do we need an ark? My heavens! It rained and rained yesterday! The pasture had standing water all over. There is water still running in the ditches and all the normal low lying problem spots in town are a problem. The sump pumps in our basement and in the cheese cave have been running almost non-stop. Thank God the power stayed on. Our septic system drain field is super charged and every so often the toilets glug. Gravel from the driveway has washed out into the road again. But the sun came out today and the air seems crisp and clear this evening. No sign of tornadoes here.
Remember my experiments with pasteurizing milk for mozzarella? Remember what I called the result? Farmer’s Folly. It was totally the wrong texture, a complete fail. Well, I have a new recipe from a respected cheese expert, Peter Dixon. I know I can do this! So today I tried a small test batch in the kitchen, and so far so good. Much better than my previous attempts. This will allow me to legally sell mozzarella for CSA’s, Food Hub, and other places. Trial and error, trial and success! Tomorrow I will check the flavor…


Spring is Here!


Gorgeous Weather!