Where Did May Go?

Monday, June 3, 2023
Hello friends,
              Where did May go?  It seems like it just flew past and now it’s already June.  I guess time does fly when you are busy.  And we’re having fun.  We just celebrated my oldest grandson’s birthday yesterday.  How can it be that he is already 6 years old?  Seems like such a short time ago that he was just a little baby.
              Intermittent rains just keep the grass growing like crazy.  We decided that for the number of cows we have and want to have, we will need the pastures for them to graze.  That means we will plan on buying hay for the wintertime.  The last two years were so dry that hay was at a premium price.  This  year, if they can get the hay cut between rains, the price of hay should be lower because of the abundance of grass.  Milk production is still up, and the cows are really chowing down.  Yum!…


More Rain!


A Little Time Off