More Rain!

Monday, June 10, 2024
Hello friends,
              More rain!  Three or four inches in the last 5 days!  We’re not sure exactly how much because there is a little top on the rain gauge that blew off some time in the night and it collected more rain than it officially should.  I don’t think we got that much rain all last year!  We don’t take this for granted.  I just wish I could save up some of that rain and bring it out when we needed it in July and August. 
              We’ve been out of ground beef for a couple of weeks now, but two more beeves are going in this Wednesday, so it won’t be long before we have a fresh supply.  One will be whole cow ground, the other we just have to take a few steaks out of our half Jersey, half Angus steer.  He looks so good.  There are two more steers coming and then we probably won’t have steer beef for a while.  Our grass has to go to the girls so we can milk and make cheese.  That being said, there are three half breed (Angus again) calves due around September 10 or so.  Remember when our neighbor’s bull paid us a visit?  Well, he wasn’t visiting us, rather our frisky milk cows.  We may be tempted to raise up another steer if we get a bull calf.  It takes a long time to get that beef!…


The Pastures are Still Green and Lush


Where Did May Go?