Hot Dry Weather!
Monday, June 14, 2021
Hello friends,
I’m done with this heat and it’s not even officially summer! We transplanted those peonies and then we get all of this hot dry weather. Yes, there was a front of some sort came through last Friday, but can you believe that we didn’t even get any rain from it? It just went around us. Blue Mound got a tornado, and the power is still out! We have purchased a few spray nozzles for watering the garden and the flower beds, but of course you have to stand there for a long while. I knew we should have saved some of that rain from a month ago.
Vivian is now on her pregnancy vacation. Her calf is due in two months so she can have some time off from milking. We milked her once a day for a few days instead of the normal twice, then we milked once and skipped twice a couple of times, and then finally just stop. Any milk left in her udder will eventually be absorbed by her body. Now all her energy will go into calf development and nutrient storage in her body to get ready for the next lactation. Makenzie is the next one scheduled for vacation. Then we will be making a little less cheese which is okay by me. We will still have plenty of fresh raw milk for everyone…..