Absolutely Gorgeous Day!
Monday, June 21, 2021
Hello friends,
Ahhhh! What an absolutely gorgeous day! We endured the heat of last week, and finally get some “do anything you want outside” days. Only a half inch of rain fell, so we were glad we had watered the night before, and it actually worked to our advantage. We toiled and sweated to dig out the remaining peonies that we chose to come to the farm yesterday, yes on Father’s Day. Then a little rain softened the soil, but it was not too much. We had an easy time putting the plants in the ground today. That’s it, we are done digging flower beds and moving peonies. Now we just have to keep them comfortable this summer. We added a shade cloth to the rock bed peonies in the front, and ordered another cloth that should arrive later this week for the second bed. These plants normally best tolerate moving in the cooler fall temperatures, but we don’t have a choice. Closing is the 30th!
The cows were a little dehydrated last week and their milk production was down. We certainly provided water for them, but they just were too lazy to go get a drink. Or too hot. Consequently, the milk has been a little more concentrated and especially richer in butterfat. It’s great for cheese yield. I wouldn’t want it all the time because obviously all that heat is a stress on the cows, but there is an up side. Hopefully, things will level out this week….