Fall is in the Air
Monday, September 28, 2020
Hello friends,
Not much rain fell here yesterday. I think Bill said there was less than a tenth of an inch in the rain gauge. Well, what are we going to do about it? Nothing. Wait for the next rain and keep watering those lovely flowers down by the sign. Fall is certainly in the air now. We are beginning to see maple trees starting to show some color, and for me, that is the first indication of the season changing.
The pullet chicks are starting to get a little rambunctious in their stock tank. In the evening we give them fresh food and water and clean up a bit where they scatter wood chip in their feeder, and other stuff. (ahem) Today I introduced them to greens. I went outside the barn and picked a small handful of clover and shredded it a bit. Then I carefully dropped the pieces in their plain sight. First, they just looked at it and made that trilling sound like when they discover a bug just a little too big to eat. Then one brave chick picked it up, dropped it, then picked it up again and began to run around with it. Of course, another chick stole it from her, dropped it because she didn’t know what it was either, then watched as the next one picked it up. And so it went. I didn’t stay to watch until it was all consumed, but it will be……