Janie Had a Bull Calf

Monday, October 5, 2020
Hello friends,
              Just as we suspected, Janie had her calf early.  In fact, it was the very next morning after I wrote the newsletter that Tarzan was born.  He is a sturdy half Angus, half Jersey chocolate colored calf with big, beautiful dark eyes and eyelashes to melt your heart.  A force to be reckoned with, he is a vigorous eater, and a strong demander of his bottle!  Meanwhile, Janie is producing lots of milk and is already online, her colostrum cleared.  Now we look for Trixie to be next on October 14, but she doesn’t look like she will be early.
              My daughters came down this weekend for a visit and we had a fun project to work on.  Cider making.  If you get my Instagram, you saw the story of apple picking, cleaning and sorting, crushing, and pressing the apples.  It’s a great way to use all those imperfect apples without peeling and processing.  Two full dish tubs of apples go into making about a gallon of cider, so you can guess how precious it is when we get it.  We take care of every drop.  Now the press has been cleaned up, and put away, the stickiness mopped up from the floor, and I can hear Bill warming a cup of cider right now!  The fruit of our labor!…..


Creamery & Farm Tour on Saturday, October 17th - 10am to 5pm


Fall is in the Air