So Humid
Monday, August 8, 2022
Hello friends,
It is SO humid! It feels like one cool breeze could gather up all this moisture and rain it back down. We’ll see what happens. Bill watered the garden anyway because if it doesn’t rain or it it’s not very much, the plants will suffer. I’m afraid the garden has been rather nonproductive lately. I have 5 different types of beans planted and so far, we have not gathered enough beans to make a meal. Pitiful. The flowers fall off in the heat. We’ll just endure, and it will eventually cool off.
We named Petula’s calf Dolly. She is so cute. Petula is milking those three quarters that we were expecting, but the fourth one is just not cleaning out. We’ll keep treating it with topical things and pray that it will shrink down. Now that her good quarters are producing milk for us, we can go ahead and start drying up Janie who is due for her pregnancy vacation. We give her very little grain and milk her in the morning, then skip milking her in the evening. That will be the plan for a couple of days. Then we’ll skip two milkings, milk one. And then we’ll stop, and she can take a break for two months….