Praying for Rain
Monday, August 15, 2022
Hello friends,
We are hoping and praying for rain. There is some in the forecast and we see some on radar, but now we need to pray it down! The pastures are getting so dry that we will soon be feeding some of that hay we cut. The Lespedeza that the county considers a noxious weed because it will take over a pasture, was cut with our hay. Ironically, it’s almost the only thing grown back and palatable for the cows. It actually has quite a bit of food value when it is short. So, a noxious weed will carry us through!
Sadly, we lost another chicken to a hawk yesterday. They are so savvy. I have been waiting until 4:00 to let them out thinking they would be safer, but the hawks figured out that later is when dinner comes out. They were in all day today and I thought I would let them out while I was picking tomatoes in the garden after chores. It was 7:30 and you know that hawk was out there waiting. I didn’t let the chickens out after all. They were all huddled under their roost because they knew that hawk was out there, and they probably wouldn’t have come out anyway. We have to come up with a solution. In all the years we have had chickens, I have never had such persistent hawks bent on attacking. Food must be scarce…..